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What happens when you get seven cousins together for a kids’ photo session in Crawfordsville Indiana? Chaos….the most magical chaos. I spent an evening with these energetic kiddos for a golden hour photo session in Crawfordsville Indiana and it was a delight! Two sets of siblings, all cousins, coming together for a special photo session […]
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As a fellow animal lover, I understand the importance of having the furbabies included in family photos….they are family afterall! I was stoked when Jamie reached out to me about having fall photos with her, Scott, Binx, Sophie and Kyra. Having fall photos with pets was of the utmost importance for these two since their […]
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The foliage was blazing while the sun shone through the trees… what a perfect day for Prophetstown Fall Family Photos! The Houghton Fam was all smiles and silliness…with 4 kids there must be a lot of siliness and giggles right! The park, located in West Lafayette, IN, provides trails, and cozy spots for families to […]
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I am super excited to introduce the Gulker Family Photos at Prophetstown! We had a sunny fall day to play and romp around at the park with Jill and Brandon’s adorable littles. I am so grateful for this family’s patience when trying to find the perfect day to capture their story…we had to reschedule after […]
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The weather was not on our side during this wooded family photo session in West Lafayette Indiana. It was cold and windy, but we stayed a bit warmer by hunkering down near the woods. This adorable family squeezed together, shared lots of snuggles, and tons of laughs….and I think it warmed them up a bit! […]
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How can it be four months since I was visiting Brielle for her newborn photo session! Well here we are at the gorgeous Celery Bog in West Lafayette, IN for her four month milestone photo session. Look how much she has changed already! You can see Brielle’s newborn session here Brielle is full of […]
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Little Vivian wasn’t feeling so good on the original day we booked this session so we gave her some time to recoup and oh my goodness she had me on my toes! She is sugar and spice all wrapped up into a pint size, and I just love every bit of her! You can see […]
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Last night we played in the leaves while the fire was going. The crisp smoky air brought me back to when I was just a wee one….burying myself in crunchy leaves, stomach full from S’mores, the cool air bringing excitement of what was to come. It was pure magic, and now I get to relive […]