Senior Photos in Zionsville Indiana


Please forgive me for the gushing I am about to do…but I am so excited to show Jacob’s senior photos in Zionsville Indiana! My (not so little cousin anymore) Jacob is graduating and I am honored to tell his story. I have watched Jacob grow up and I can’t wait to see what he does in his next chapter.

Wooded Playground

It makes sense that we would start our session in the woods behind Jacob’s home in Zionsville. These are the sunlit woods where Jacob and his friends put their creativity to the test by making short films. Jacob aspires to be a film director one day. It makes sense because he is generally eager to entertain people around him.  He has goofed around in these woods since he was small…its a very peaceful place full of opportunity and memories.
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Putting the charm in Zionsville

This adorable town is perfect for showing off Jacob’s charming smile.  With the brick roads, colorful shops, and alley ways, having senior photos  in Zionsville is like a candy store for us photogs! Jacob brought his saxophone along, set up on the corner and made some serious tips…ha ha just kidding! He totally could though! He is extremely talented and plays for both the Zionsville High Marching Band and Jazz Band. For a dude that loves to rock Hawaiian shirts in the summer he pulls off this jacket quite nicely. Looking slick there cuz!
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Future Director from Zionsville, Indiana

I wonder if he was actually filming me as I was shooting his photos?  I wouldn’t be surprised ha! Jacob loves showing friends and family the films that him and his friends create and I am secretly wondering if I will make it on to his Youtube channel….be sure to check out his creations here

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That’s a Wrap

Join me in congratulating this go getter right here! Jacob I am so thrilled to see how you’ve turned out and can’t wait to see what you do next. Thank you for allowing me to capture your epic story!

  1. Joe Wenzel says:

    These are all so good. Congrats Jacob!!

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